Wednesday, March 12, 2014

PARABENS....what's all the fuss about?

I often have clients ask me to recommend skin products which are "PARABEN-Free". My response to them is always the same: "Do you even know what the heck a PARABEN is?"  Ha!

Ok, here's the low-down. Parabens are preservatives. They're highly effective, inexpensive, synthetically-produced preservatives which are used in a myriad of cosmetics and skincare products. They are über effective due to their bacterial and fungicidal properties, which is why they're used by cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies in the first place. You can find Parabens in products such as shampoos, facial creams, shaving gels, makeup, toothpaste and even in certain foods. 

Yes, there are natural-preservative alternatives such as Grapefruit Seed extract, HOWEVER, natural alternatives aren't nearly as effective. If you choose to use a product with a natural preservative, be conscious of the expiration date and avoid touching the product with your fingers, which harbor bacteria; use a disposable plastic spatula or q-tip instead. 

Rule of Thumb: If a product is made with WATER, it needs a preservative. Therefore, try an oil-based, organic alternative instead, but again, be aware of its limited shelf life. 

The problem is that Parabens have been detected in breast cancer tumors which explains their controversy. Moreover, Parabens have been linked in causing reproductive issues in women. They have the ability to mimic estrogen which can lead to early-on-set puberty in girls (caused by "xenoestrogens") which in and of itself is a cause for concern. Research, however, has NOT confirmed the actual correlation between Parabens and cancer; no scientific evidence has been concluded to support this link.  Therefore, it's up to the public to become educated and simply BE AWARE of the Paraben content in the everyday products you use. 

Get in the habit of reading your ingredient labels. Ingredients are always listed in order of concentration, so if "glycerin" is the first ingredient printed on the label and Parabens are the last, that will tell you that the glycerin content out-weighs the Paraben content significantly.  Don't be fooled, however, if the Paraben concentration is low, it is there none the less. You'll be surprised, however, at the amount of products we all have in our beauty arsenal which contain Parabens, many of which have high concentrations. 

Parabens are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic acid. What are the most commonly used 
Parabens? Look for the these names on your product labels: "MethylParaben", "EthylParaben", "PropylParaben", "ButylParaben" and "HeptylParaben".  Typically, these Parabens will be listed as one of the last four ingredients on the product label.

Parabens are practically non-toxic, however "MethylParaben" in particular, may react with the UVB rays of the sun, when applied to the skin. UVB rays are the "burning" rays, so be especially aware of this particular ingredient, especially if you'll be spending time in the sun.

The amount of Parabens in any product will be small. In general, be conscious of the ingredient-content within the everyday products you use. Don't stress over it! By being aware of your product-ingredients, you've just empowered yourself towards the road to optimum skin health. If your Eye Cream, for example, contains a Paraben which is listed as the last ingredient, then don't sweat it. I would be more concerned with a body lotion or sunscreen, which covers a larger area of skin and is often reapplied throughout the day. Trust me, you want a good preservative in your $80 Eye Cream in order for it to repel contaminants. However, an everyday, often-used product, like body lotion or sunscreen can be substituted for "Paraben-free" since these products will turn-over and deplete relatively quick. 

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---CIAO for now :)

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